Since: 30 Jul 2010
Store Rating:

  1. Goods sold are not returnable and refundable.
  2. All shipping and handling fees are NOT refundable.
  3. Re-delivery fee/ shipping fee are bear by buyers.
  4. We will not responsible or liable to the loss/damage cause by courier company. Please do not sign and do report if you found that is damage/ loss on the items.

Please keep the receipt as the evidence of good purchase. All the receipt will stated warranty period for the goods. Receipt without warranty period is means there is no warranty on the product itself.

Customer may walk in our outlet to claim the warranty if needed as our technician/ consultant can give you the better advice.

Customer may aslo give us a call 03-2148 1622 for any enquiries as some product may need some guidance to remote it and our customer service may give a little helping hand on it.

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