Product Name: Solar Spotlight-Courtyard-Garden Lights-lawn;
Light body Overall height : 30CM;
Solar panels: Imported German solar wafers , 2V 60MA Epoxy solar panel ;
Battery : a type 1.2v/1200mAH solar rechargeable AA NiMH batteries ;
Material : ABS plastic ;
Source : 4 total brightness white LED 39000MCD;
Package : neutral white carton packaging ;
Charging time : 6-8 hours of direct sunlight in summer ;
Lighting about time :8- 10 hours ;
Weight : 0.5KG
Advantages : stylish, sophisticated , energy-saving, convenient, easy to install , no wiring or additional power supply , plug directly above the lawn ;
Features : Solar LED lights during the day by solar energy into electricity , solar panels to charge the battery , embedded photoreceptors automatically open in the evening light ;
The scope of application : courtyard, municipal construction, lawns, parks , villas , residential , business decor , no wiring , no installation , plug directly above the lawn during the day and automatically charged , the light on automatically at night
1 unit= RM24.90
2 units= RM48.00
太阳能板:进口德国太阳能硅片,2V 60MA 滴胶太阳能板;
电 池:一颗AA型1.2v/1200mAH太阳能可充电镍氢电池;
材 质:ABS塑料;
光 源:4颗白光LED 总亮度为39000MCD;
包 装:白纸盒中性包装;
重 量:0.5KG
优 点:时尚、精致、省电、便捷,安装方便,无需布线或另接电源,直接插在草坪上面;
特 性:太阳能LED灯白天通过将太阳光能转化为电能,太阳板为电池充电,嵌入的感光器在黄昏自动打开亮灯;
I 个= RM24.90
2 个= RM48.00
Special Promotion:
Please Contact: 
Jesslyn: 016-276 7372
Jimmy: 012-336 9393
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7. We cater both retails and wholesales deal.
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Maybank Berhad: 5623 8450 8845 Easysmart Network
Public Bank Berhad: 4-5581275-30 Ngoh Cheng Loong
CIMB Bank Berhad: 12150072479523 Chee Siew Ching
Last Updated @ 2/10/2015 8:34:48 PM